Saturday, March 22, 2014

Daily Habits

10 Insightful Coaching Questions to Help You Identify Daily Success Habits:

1. Where do I sabotage myself on a daily basis?
2. What could I do instead or differently?

3. What could I do at work on a daily basis that would set me up for success?
***Structured processes, get up earlier, not check email until 11am, set a timer when on social media etc
4. What would feed my heart and soul on a daily basis?

5. What would feed my physical body and health?
***Self-care activities, a yoga or meditation practice, daily walk or run, drinking 6-8 glasses of water etc

6. What is missing in my life?

7. What do I want more of?
***sleep, fun, solitude, quiet, beauty

8. How could I feed important relationships in my life on a daily basis? What about feeding the relationship with myself?
*** 5-15 minutes of connecting/listening to our spouse/children/selves/journaling – without distraction
9. What do you need to do to be the best you can be (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually)?
10. What do I already know I need to do, but am just not implementing?

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